Spiritual and Metaphysical Communications: A Compact Concept Companion


The "Resources from our Guides" section below contains links to channeled works, and direct communication with humanity's extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional guides. Most of this document is an attempt at a concise concept guide. The "Who am I, and Why am I Here?" section attempts to provide a perspective based on concepts from our guides. One must understand that these concepts are a "pointer" to truths which words cannot describe entirely, truths that each must seek and discover for oneself. For those who are less familiar, yet familiar with scientific concepts, the introductory material may be helpful. May your journey into spirituality and transformation of consciousness through conscious transformation be a joyful one.

Key Concepts


One must judge the intent of all information presented with one's inner heart, one's inner knowing and wisdom. Medical science acknowledges neuronal cells in the heart, so even science has basic evidence that your heart has a role in consciousness.

All of our "higher consciousness" mentors agree, from a spiritual and metaphysical perspective, that consciousness manifests everything (even our DNA, for example) -- so it is especially important for one to be vigilant about what thoughts one entertains. This mode of thinking is especially critical when judging the validity of content -- of a metaphysical nature -- presented by "higher", or "expanded" consciousness beings.

One's attention is the most powerful aspect of one's consciousness, as it is attention and intention that manifests one's body and mind.

Questions one can ask themselves when listening to communications:

  • Does the message seem to be of a positive nature providing some peace of mind and being -- if not, joy?!
  • Does the message resonate with your being? If the message does not resonate, then pay it no attention.
  • Are the messages coherent in terms of their content?
  • Are the presented concepts consistent across sources?
  • Is the presentation or writing style of the guide, or teacher consistent between communications?

More often than not, when you feel it, you know it. Emotions connect you to your inner knowing and wisdom.

Everything is Consciousness

There is one truth: we are that consciousness. Each is an individuated portion, as raindrops from a cloud -- descended to flow through time in the physical -- on a journey of joyful conscious expansion that will serve to expand the cloud.

All is possible. All experiences expand the whole.


  1. One Consciousness
  2. Love
  3. love
  4. Wisdom
  5. Perception
  6. Perspective
  7. Resonance and Vibration
  8. Symbolic Numbers
  9. Mind/Body/Spirit Complex
  10. Energy Centres & Chakras
  11. Illusion Complex
  12. space/time and time/space
  13. Toroids and Merkaba
  14. Five Elements
  15. Spirituality and Evolution of Consciousness: Densities and Dimension
  16. Ascension and Transcendence
  17. Freedom
  18. Free Will
  19. Universe
  20. Truth
  21. Spirit
  22. Harmony

One Consciousness

Our one consciousness, goes by many names/terms:

  • unity consciousness
  • the One, infinite creator (please note comma placement makes the title less "all-seeing-god-like" -- purposeful misdirection for those with limited discernment)
  • mother/father absolute
  • infinite intelligence/energy
  • Spirit
  • Source
  • God -- from which the word "good" derives, though some guides note the opposite to be true.


Love: with a capital L, is the one and only desire of this creation, this universe. This one desire is for peace, joy, harmony, and wisdom. Or, Love and Light. As a vibration, some note, Love is the acceptance of all things as One, or "One Love"; the desire for "oneness". To achieve this vibration, this state of internal being, it is necessary to understand how to be at peace, and in harmony with nature, the cosmos, and all it contains. The understanding of how to do this is the Wisdom, or Light one must fully realize. Further, some will note that the "highest vibrational state" is "love and integration" -- with "integration" being an effect of Love -- being that Love is taking something apparently external to you as a part of you.


love is desire. Old English lufu, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit lubhyati 'desires', Latin libet 'it is pleasing', libido 'desire'


When enacted, the judicious application of knowledge gained through experience resulting in one's desired outcome, usually positive. Also referred to as "Light", it is the "Dark" that potentiates the "Light" of unity consciousness in the infinite dance of duality in this universe.


Some say one's perception dictates one's reality, or perception is reality. Perception influences our consciousness, and thus where we place our attention, and what ultimately manifests in our individual reality.


Many guides will note that "good" or "bad" is a matter of perspective when examining the ongoings of the universe as a whole. For example, the "dark" can be considered "bad", but without it there is no contrast, no opportunity for Light, Wisdom. Many will also note that what they convey is their perspective or another's. It is necessary to possess the ability to explain truths from many perspectives, as this serves to create harmony in understanding.

Resonance & Vibration

Paraphrasing Nikola Tesla: "if you want to understand the physical nature of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance".

As it happens, the physical nature of the Universe is a consequence or manifestation of the spiritual nature of existence. Since everything is simply infinite, intelligent energy in vibration, it stands that the accompanying phenomena, resonance, plays a major role in the nature of existence.

As an individualized portion of consciousness you are a ball of energy in vibration that is ever expanding. This energy spans frequency, density, dimension -- and can be perceived by our senses as sound and light. And bands of frequency are also perceived by lesser known senses, such as telepathic, empathic, psychic, etc -- which are abilities all humans possess.

As vibrational frequency can be "transposed" mathematically to other frequency bands (think musical transposition, for example), your portion of consciousness, your soul, has a song, and you also have a vibrational name. All plant, animal, and insect species on the planet have vibrational names, for example. When one properly tunes their attention, one can perceive these vibrational names.

Many may agree there is much more to be said about this subject. You will find perspectives throughout all of the suggested information.

As basics, it is generally accepted that a state of peace, joy, and harmony is the highest vibration, and fear (encompassing jealousy, anger, hate, etc.) the lowest, with many other states of being and vibration in between.

This too comes with debate, as some say "integration" is the highest frequency of being. That is, constantly in a state of integrating experiences and understanding into one's being. One could proffer that this state of being, if exercised by a collective, would result in peace and harmony, so perhaps they are intertwined. Regardless, perceive as you wish, as it is your right to create your reality.

Most do not realize the power they possess. You are your own universe, your own timeline. The frequency at which you vibrate is directly related to the energy that flows through your major chakras, the energy centers along the spine. The vibrational energy flow through the spine (and entire cellular structure), like a bi-polar magnet, creates a magnetic field, that "attracts" material things, people, and even situations to you by resonant frequency. Or, similar to two perfectly tuned tuning forks, resonating together when one is struck, resonance is experienced by each with others through the medium of the Ether, rather than air. This is the mechanism of the so-called "Law of Attraction". Analogous, is the "Law of Mirrors", which examines the same phenomena, except from the point-of-view that your outward reality reflects your internal state of being, conscious and unconscious. One's internal state of being manifests as a vibrational frequency in the physical realm.

Via the "principle of non-locality", there is no distance (and time is but a construct of consciousness). This is how and why two or more beings, seemingly distantly located, can come together as if it occurred magically -- because in the Ether there is no separation, and vibration is not limited by transmission through a medium such as air. The Ether is everywhere and omni-present.

Symbolic Numbers

Much of our reality has dual or many meanings. The number system, that is used primarily in the west, corresponds to a model of spiritual dimensions that is sometimes referenced by extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional teachers.

"Initiation" on Gaia provides a coherent introduction to this model

  • 0 is Source Energy
  • 1 is Unity or Unity Consciousness
  • 2 is the duality (positive/negative, light/dark, male/female, yin/yang) birthed by us for us to learn
  • 3 can correspond to the "third eye" (the Pineal gland) that once activated, can perceive the dance of duality, and allows one to perceive the many layers of reality. Three can also represent the trinity of the mind, body, and spirit, which when balanced by aligning how one thinks, acts, and feels, allows one to become full of spirit, realize their "god" self, and activate the power of Unity Consciousness, the One, infinite creator within themselves. There is much to discuss about three.
  • 4 can represent masculine/feminine in balance, or time in addition to the three which represents space [further clarification required]
  • 5 is the dimension of wisdom
  • 6 is the dimension of the architects of reality, and also represents transformation
  • 7 represents the spiritual dimension of "enlightenment"
  • 8 represents the "matrix", the mother, the teacher, with light atop dark in an infinite dance
  • 9 is the dimension of transcendence

This is the basic framework of this model. There are variations, and some ETs and EDs speak of dimensions beyond 9; however, this can be nuanced territory.

Mind/Body/Spirit Complex

The Mind, Body, and Spirit Complex is what consciousness, or spirit manifests in the Illusion complex. When all three are relatively in balance, when how you think, act, feel is in harmony, your chakras will spin optimally, and the energy of Source is available to you. Or, it could be said that the presence of pure consciousness acts through you. This is the "power of the trinity".

Energy Centres & Chakras

Every entity or being, at every scale, has energy centres, otherwise known as Chakras, which means "wheel". Energy from the universe and all of its parts flow through these energy centres. This concept is discussed in many of the resources below. Swaruu, however, will note that there are no Chakras, so again, one must discern whether something is "real", or only real by agreement with others that such a conceptual model, or physical phenomena exists. Some will insist that the flux through chakras can be empirically tested using appropriate crystal-based pendulums; however, is it that consciousness alone is affecting the test?

Illusion Complex

Also referred to as the "light grid", or "the matrix", which means "mother", is the arena of physicality that the one consciousness, to which we belong, has created for itself to learn about itself. This includes all of the "densities" of consciousness mentioned below.

The fundamental structure of the physical universe is fractal, or "as above, so below". For example, whether it's electrons orbiting a nucleus, planets a star, or star systems around the center of a galaxy, the structure is the same. Via the Taygetan material, you will discover everything is also a toroid, which was conceptualized in ancient cultures as the snake eating it's tail. The building blocks of physicality is what many refer to as Sacred Geometry.

Each being, or portion of consciousness, incarnates into the illusion, and reincarnates from the original source with a life plan devised beforehand. Straying from this "karmic" plan, or committing certain actions, such as murder, can affect one's karma, and lessons must be learned in order for the entity to ascend in consciousness. Once again, Swaruu will note that each being chooses to carry karma, and that it is only valid within the illusion. So, "re-paying" karma, is each one's choice. Records of incarnation are stored in what is called the Akashic records, which exist at the personal and universal level, which you may eventually find are the same.

space/time & time/space

space/time is the reality you experience during your waking hours. One can experience time/space during meditation, sleep and/or dream state. In time/space, time does not exist, and one can access all the spaces in all of the times.

Toroids and Merkaba

One of the more mind-bending concepts, for which Swaruu provides some of the best material. Everything is a toroid as a consequence of the Merkaba (ancient Egyptian term), which is two interlocked square pyramids: one on the "physical" side, and one on the "etheric", or spiritual, energetic side. As far as I currently understand, it is by virtue of the proportions of the "sacred" geometrical shape that is a square pyramid, and it's natural ability to concentrate the ever-present upward spiral of light (see Ra material for more detail), that the "etheric" pyramid manifests. Every physical object, allegedly, has an opposite "etheric" version. This effectively creates an "energy pump", with the energy derived from the Ether. The piezo-electric effect is a similar concept. Swaruu provides the "basic", base 12, toroidal mathematics for this unique and interesting natural phenomenon.
All matter is composed of harmonics of a standing wave. A toroid, is a standing wave in 3 (spatial) dimensions.

Toroid, merkaba overlayed on the human body
Note: pyramid should be square not tetrahedral. And toroids not void of energy at poles.

When overlayed on the human form, the energetic flow is symbolic. You, as your own universe, intake previously integrated experiences in the form of vibrational energy, through the root chakra, allow it to flow through all and out of the crown after new experiences are integrated by the mind. When this integrated energy exits the crown it returns to infinite intelligence, Unity Consciousness expanding the whole, and the cycle repeats, infinitely.

Toroid overlayed on a tree with roots depicted as well

When overlayed on a tree, nature's brilliant and most obvious example, the concept seems less far-fetched. Our Sun is not a thermo-nuclear ball. It is a being of highly-expanded consciousness (and also a toroid) that is electrically connected directly to Source, at the centre of the galaxy. Given this, it's energy is infinite, and life span self-directed. Thus, a tree has the potential to live in perpetuity if it wishes (barring forest fire, etc.).

Five Elements

Water, Fire, Earth (includes elements and compounds known to terrestrial science), Wind/Air (includes gases), and Ether comprise the five basic, elements of the Illusion complex. The "Ether" is Source, Spirit, pure consciousness and potential energy. That which one knows as not matter.

Spirituality and Evolution of Consciousness

Evolution and expansion of consciousness through conscious evolution. We transform our individuated portion of consciousness, and as a result the whole, via the will of spirit.

As we expand our portion of consciousness, we move fluidly through what humans have conceptualized as "densities" of consciousness. Simplified as "how much consciousness, or how conscious are you as a being, and what is the level of density of frequencies you are perceiving?" Most guides will agree, however, that there are no "D"s, no densities. Sometimes, the human mind simply requires a model to conceptualize abstract concepts, and that's ok.

The Swaruunians note that when they have spent time on Earth it is difficult -- like walking in a pool. Frequencies are attenuated here in 3D, so no one "above" can truly judge.

The consequence of this "consciousness density" to physicality can be likened to a range of energy densities and/or a frequency gradient (of the vibrational rate of atoms) beginning at the lower end with dense matter and at the upper end with pure light and energy. An over-simplified analog is water when seen as solid, liquid, or gas -- each state of being possessing a different level of energy and vibration. In this model, 1st density is taken to be elementals, 2nd soil, bacteria, plant and animal life, 3rd a self-aware being (human, for example), 4th still something like a human but 30% light body, 5th, 50% light, 50% chemical, 6th mostly light, 7th, no body, 8th, return to source (at the octave). It is, of course, not this discrete and more of a gradient of transition -- perhaps better thought of as gradual increase in frequency and energy -- as if you were turning your volume and radio tuning dial at the same time.

Dimensions are yet another model used to describe development and operation of consciousness. No model is perfect, but a common, coherent, conceptual model often helps when attempting to teach, or learn. Perhaps it can be said that at each density of consciousness one attempts to expand oneself in all spiritual dimensions -- leading to transcendence to a higher vibration, or frequency.

Ascension and Transcendance

In any moment of understanding, an individuated portion of consciousness can expand it's consciousness and transcend it's current state of being, moving up in the densities of consciousness. We all begin as light and evolve through beingness of atoms, molecules, elements, soil, bacteria, plant life, animals, light beings, planets, stars, galaxies, universes and so on beyond what we comprehend today.

The Earth, Gaia, currently desires to transcend what many refer to as 3rd density. In fact, her frequency has entered (as of 2021/2022) into the beginning stages of 4th density, positive. It is a gentle process. Entities whose vibration does not meet with the density of Love (peace, harmony) and Compassion will reincarnate on another 3rd density planetary sphere. For those whose vibration do match, you'll be pleased to enjoy an Earth timeline of true peace, joy, and harmony.

At this time on Earth there are a variety of souls incarnated. 90% of the population are "old souls", or souls who have been a part of Gaia's collective consciousness since her beginnings as a planetary sphere. 7% are "Starseeds", or souls of the same or higher density that have incarnated to both graduate into the 4th density and raise the planetary vibration for a timely ascension. 3% are "Wanderers", "Drop-downs", or those souls who have incarnated from higher densities (4, 5, 6) for the sole purpose of raising the planetary vibration through a wide variety of positively oriented means.

What is known as "Spiritual Awakening" is the removal of a barrier between one's conscious and subconscious mind, and the process of remembering that one is a cosmic being. The barrier, sometimes referred to as the "veil of forgetting", or "forgetfulness", is what prevents one from remembering their previous incarnations and almost all of cosmic wisdom. This is a fundamental mechanism of reincarnation. Better yet, each entity actively chooses to undergo this experience before incarnating.

Free Will

When in the illusion complex you always have free will. This is a fundamental "law". Some beings also refer to this as the Law of Confusion -- in that you have the right to confuse yourself and stray from your chosen life plan, or from the original peace and harmony of unity consciousness.


True freedom is to be free from uncontrolled, unconscious desires and needs.


Guides are usually accurate with language. Although, some concepts are still lost in translation. Because the structure of the Universe is fractal, they will sometimes use "Universe" to describe each level of "depth". That is, for both solar system, galaxy, and what contains both. They also use "galaxy" interchangeably with "solar system" -- as well as the term "logos" -- which is Greek for "mind of the creator". Word origins indicate it meant "word", or "reason". Either term refers to the fact that, metaphysically, guides see planets, solar systems and galaxies, as individual thought experiments, with the experiences aggregating up to the whole.

Another perspective: a "verse" is a portion of a story or song. It seems we may all be writing a United Verse, together, as one consciousness. Or, one may be writing a story of their own. The meaning of life is that one must give it meaning.


A sensitive subject to many. There can be objective truths and truths that are more subjective to one's experience (perception is reality). Some guides note the only truth is that everything is consciousness, and "intelligent energy" in vibration, an infinite soup of frequencies.

There are cases wherein several, seemingly contradictory concepts, are true. For example, Swaruu discusses the notion that the Illusion Complex, the "Matrix", is not "real"; nevertheless, the experience is "real" ("real", in quotes, because subjective to many) -- and certain actions have "real" consequences for your soul, or individuated, fractalized portion of consciousness. At a higher level of abstraction, that of Unity Consciousness, all have collectively decided upon said consequences.


Spirit is breath, or "the breath of the creator". The breath creates via two mechanisms. Firstly, as one's breath is the physical symptom of internal state of being, an individual "creates", as their internal state of being is reflected in their outward reality (via "Law of Mirrors"). One can greatly benefit from simply being aware of their breath in every moment -- which will hopefully make one take pause and be aware of their state of being.

Secondly, one may create with others via agreement -- which is primarily how the external reality we commonly experience exists. This collaborative, co-creative action occurs explicitly in some human languages. Some note that the phonetic sound, "yah(inhale)-weh(exhale)", is a representation of this mechanism; the creative event which creates universes.

Fundamental to this universe, the "mirroring mechanism" ("Law of Mirrors", "Law of Attraction") was designed by unity consciousness to provide each with a mechanism for balancing the self while in the "illusory" or physical reality. That is, the outer reality mirrors one's internal state of being -- so that one can explicitly experience an effect, and make adjustments to balance the dimensions of emotion, intellect, energy, and body to realize a harmony within and without. Aligning how one thinks or perceives, how one conducts itself in reality, and how one feels can aid in achieving this balance and harmony.


The concept of harmony spans both physical and the meta. All matter is formed from the "nodes" produced by layering a standing wave with its harmonic counterparts. In three spatial dimensions, the nodes of the waves create a toroid. The nodes are given structure via the Sacred Geometrical nature of the Universe, or the Ether itself. The field of "Cymatics" provides visual insight into the inner workings of this fundamental aspect of our physical reality (in this universe). What is most interesting, however, is that it is one's consciousness that is emitting these waves, this music, that creates matter.

When a being is in harmony, generally this means that how they think, act, and feel are in alignment. Their "three little birds", the mind, the body, and the spirit are free and singing melodies pure and true. When in alignment, generally a being will be in an almost perpetual state of peace and joy. "Almost" because no one must be "perfect". Being in this state allows a being in this illusory reality to access Source energy and literally create what they desire. To be in True Harmony, one must also be in harmony with their fellow beings, nature, and the cosmos.

Resources from our Guides

  1. Introductory Material: Science meets Spirituality
  2. Gaia
  3. Sam the Illusionist
  4. Ra: The Law of One
  5. Taygetans and Swaruunians

Introductory Material: Science meets Spirituality

Secrets of Water: a portion of the longer documentary on Gaia. Highly recommended at the beginning of your journey.

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?: The "placebo" and "no-cebo" effects still remain an inconvenient truth for "western" medicine.

Results of Expanded Consciousness: likely almost unbelievable at present; however, there are physical consequences to transcendence, and one can be the ability to change one's energy source, from food to what is called "Prana" or the omni-present source of energy in the Universe.

Consciousness and Genetics: An intro to Epigenetics and how science is beginning to understand how consciousness affects DNA.

Spiritual "Awakening" and "Signs": "Life is one big road with lots of signs, when you're riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind." - Bob Marley. Signs are often presented to one through their "Higher Self", each one's portion of the unity consciousness, which often manifests as intuition or "gut" feeling.

Spiritual "Awakening" or Psychosis: The symptoms of what is popularly called "Spiritual Awakening", the process of remembering the truth about yourself and the universe, can manifest to modern medicine and psychology as psychosis.

Wade Davis & Cultures at the far edge of the world: Wade Davis profiles several little known cultures that have a deeper understanding of the metaphysical nature of the Universe than most.

Is the Universe a Brain?: As scientists map more and more of our physical universe, they are beginning to discover that it accurately resembles the structure of the human brain. These "empirical" discoveries may support some of the hypotheses below which state that the Universe is fractal in structure -- and if so, each one is a fractalized portion of consciousness -- which is also physically represented in the structure of the brain as well.

The Universe is Music: Just a fun observational mashup.

"Yogic Science" on "Political Science": "Power does not corrupt. People are corrupt. When they become empowered it becomes super visible."


Unfortunately, a subscription service; however, why noted first is because it contains well produced introductory material, and advanced material as well. Moreover, the intro material may help to lay a foundation for the conceptual understanding of some of the broader "metaphysical" material. Gaia could be described as the Netflix of Spirituality, or simply a resource for those whose personal frequency and vibration is ready for spiritual "awakening". Some programs may be more helpful than others, but here are some groundbreaking programs:

Initiation: Evidence of reincarnation appears in academic studies. Common cases include children who know languages they could not have possibly learned given their environment. In an infinite universe of infinite possibility, there is the possibility of certain mechanisms, reincarnation included, producing anomalies. Sometimes, purposefully. This series explores the past lives of Matias de Stefano, who is a man that remembers his life during the times of ancient Egypt. A civilization many are now realizing that was more spiritually and technologically advanced than our own.

Electric Universe: As it happens, our current physics models may need an overhaul. The so-called "Electric Universe Theory" manages to unify our understanding of the behaviour of things small and large -- something classical and quantum mechanics still struggles with. For example, gravity appears to be a puny force compared to the direct electric force (as they explore). Another thing to note is that the electrostatic field equation looks to be the same as the gravitational field equation, so they may have something here ;)

Galactic Messages: This is a much more succinct version of the material from the Taygetans and Swaruunians. The Taygetans are a Lyrian-based race (as humans are); hence, why they appear human, though they differ physiologically. The Taygetans are among many ET races that seeded the Earth at one time or another. The Swaruunians are a related, though more evolved, for lack of a better term, species. They work together to protect and guide humanity along with many other races. Taygeta is in the Pleiades cluster and is a technologically and spiritually advanced, matriarchical society. They are very wise and compassionate beings, and many of the women choose to manifest their appearance as young(er) women, as you will notice with the key contacts, Yazhi, Aneeka, and Swaruu. Not only is their inner beauty apparent outwardly, but the fact that they appear as aesthetically pleasing (depending on beholder, of course) nordic women serves as wonderful, purposeful misdirection. To ascend and expand one's consciousness, one must seek, then one will find. One must develop discernment like a muscle of consciousness, and see beyond skin and book covers. This material is not channeled as some of the other material. They are in direct text contact with Gosia -- often live via something like a "chat" app. Astounding, I know, especially when you learn it began in 2017.

They self-describe as "wild animals hiding amongst stuffed animals in a toy store". And yes, they know much about human culture. Those in contact know up to 10 human languages.

Interviews with Extra-dimensionals: There are beings on Earth that resonate very closely with extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings. As a result, they can consciously, telepathically, "channel" information, with little to no modification of message, from these beings. As always, discernment is required as no channel is ever perfect. Think "broken telephone game" -- yes, really, it can be that simple. A poorly chosen word can affect the interpretation of any message, for example.

Sam the Illusionist

Sam is a "trance" channeler of extraordinary ability. We all choose our life plan before incarnating; however, some do so more purposefully than others. Trance channelers act as a conduit, or instrument for telepathic communication that allow the consciousness of the channeled being to fully utilize the throat chakra of the channel. Channeled entities utilize the instrument's own vocabulary for translation. No technology is needed, simply the power of consciousness. Some have even learned english via telepathic download. The channel is not aware of the transmission, and is effectively asleep. The consciousness of the channel resides in time/space while the "external" entity speaks through the channel. Discernment as usual. One exercise: note the "writing", or speaking style of each entity, and you may notice almost perfect cohesion and consistency. Sam channels a wide, wide variety of entities. More than I have ever seen; thus, he is a special entity that resonates with much of the universe. Final thing to notice: the cadence, tone, pronunciation, elongation and vibration of words. This is purposeful. There is much in the vibration of their words that one does not consciously perceive, but serves to activate several things: a conscious knowing, remembering within Starseeds, or those who were pre-incarnatively destined to be "activated" in understanding. A breadth of information is transmitted through vibration alone.

Key Topics

Channeling sessions are informationally dense, so it is difficult to pick and choose. Recommend starting with earlier videos; however, one should view/listen as necessary -- following your heart and intuition.

The videos are often subdivided into 3 topics. The channelled being often offers a "Galatic update", for lack of a better term, and it often pertains to ascension. Then there is often some metaphysical/spiritual teaching, and the third segment can be a mixed bag.

Ra: Law of One

The Ra Collective, or Social Memory Complex resides in the 6th density (density of unity of Love and Light) on Venus. In 1981 (!), they made contact through a now famous channel, Carla Rueckert. Several volumes of spiritual/metaphysical insight have been recorded and are available to read online. You should find much of the content to be consistent with the way it is presented through Sam.


Begin from Book 1, Session 1

Taygetans and Swaruunians

Their youtube channel (and website) contains an enormous amount of information, and it goes very deep. The Taygetans are a Lyrian-based race (as humans are); hence, why they appear human, though they differ physiologically. The Taygetans are among many ET races that seeded the Earth at one time or another. The Swaruunians are a related, though more evolved, for lack of a better term, species. They work together to protect and guide humanity along with many other races. Taygeta is in the Pleiades cluster and is a technologically and spiritually advanced, matriarchical society. They are very wise and compassionate beings, and many of the women choose to manifest their appearance as young(er) women, as you will notice with the key contacts, Yazhi, Aneeka, and Swaruu. Not only is their inner beauty apparent outwardly, but the fact that they appear as aesthetically pleasing (depending on beholder, of course) nordic women serves as wonderful, purposeful misdirection. To ascend and expand one's consciousness, one must seek, then one will find. One must develop discernment like a muscle of consciousness, and see beyond skin and book covers. This material is not channelled as some of the other material. They are in direct text contact with Gosia -- often live via something like a "chat" app. Astounding, I know, especially when you learn it began in 2017. Swaruu notes that the most difficult extraterrestrial to accept is the one that looks like you, so do not worry if you are unnerved at first -- simply discern whether there is wisdom present in the messages from these wonderful messengers (angels).

They self-describe as "wild animals hiding amongst stuffed animals in a toy store". And yes, they know much about human culture. Those in contact know as many as 10 human languages.

Key Topics

Sessions are abundant, and informationally dense, so it is difficult to pick and choose. Gosia recommends starting from the beginning; however, one should view/listen as necessary -- following your heart and intuition. For a great overview, the Gaia series is recommended.


"Who am I, and Why am I Here?"

A perspective based upon ideas from our guides. Please use discernment.

Who you are and why you are on Earth at this time is up to you. You are a cosmic being -- here for an experience of a lifetime, literally and figuratively. This experience will expand your conscious awareness, perception, and understanding of the nature of the Universe.

An idea supported by many guides is that each one is but a point of attention (a "soul", or "sole") of Source, Unity Consciousness, the One, infinite creator. The "All". Thus, one is "The Creator" of their destiny. And, by your frequency co-mingling with the "Law of Mirrors" or "Law of Attraction", you are your destiny. The fractal nature of the physical universe could support this, as all the information of the whole would be contained within each part.

You are seeing this from the expanded point of view of a collective. Here I'm talking from a personal level. You are the Universe. You are your Universe. You are a fractal of the Universe. What you decide exists exists. There is a timeline for each consciousness as each consciousness is in itself, by own right, a timeline.

- Swaruu of Erra

Unfortunately, this fact has been hidden from humanity for approximately 12,500 years. It turns out that your internal emotional state, at times under influence of imagination, creates your outward reality. An idea supported by many "metaphysicians" from both eastern and western philosophies. Your Universe reflects how you feel via the mechanism of frequency and vibration -- emotions are that powerful. You are an infinitely powerful being, yet another fact hidden from you for nefarious reasons too numerous to mention.

From an expanded point of view, those nefarious reasons are a component of what is known as "duality". The infinite, intricate, dance between light/dark, positive/negative, male/female, yin/yang. The lessons provided by the "dark", the "shadow work" one must do, is created by each one as a life plan prior to "incarnating" on any planet.

Incarnation and reincarnation is a choice each one makes, again as each one is Source, so unfortunately for those who enjoy a victim mentality, it seems we all cause our own strife. The life plan each creates includes these challenges as a means to learn life lessons, such as forgiveness, for example. This is not a convenient truth for those in contemporary culture, but if it does not resonate, then pay it no attention. One has the right to whatever experience one would enjoy. You create your reality.

What you perceive is your reality, and you reciprocally create it with your internal state of being. Each one makes "collective agreements" with others to perceive elements of reality in the same way. For example, each one of us will see a table, and through consensus, agree that it is a table. How each one perceives a situation, however, may be different depending on how each perceives their reality.

All of the above material is only meant to provide one with peace of mind. Knowing that one is in control of one's reality can provide peace, perhaps even joy. One's state of being is one's prerogative. However, if any of the material resonates with your inner being, then it's likely there's a reason you have reached this point. One reason may be that all of this is a reminder of what you already know, and chose to forget to have a limited experience. As an infinite, unlimited being, it can be difficult to learn, or feel grateful, without contrast.

Techniques for Transformation

The "awakening" of consciousness, also known as "spiritual" awakening is the experience of fully connecting to the awareness and presence within the self. That is, what is not the body and not the mind. Once realized, one becomes aware, or the observer of one's thoughts ("metacognition") without judgement of said thoughts but with an aim to understand. Moreover, through this awareness, one deepens the connection to the body. And, one attains a more clear connection to "spirit", which operates through intuition, or "gut feeling".

Some refer to the result of this process as "enlightenment", or achieving a state of perpetual peace through realizing one is not the body, nor the mind, but again, pure consciousness. A state of peace and joy is only the beginning, and not the ultimate goal. We all begin this way, and it is often life's challenges that causes one to forget how peaceful beingness feels.

Once one has achieved this state, the richness of life in this universe reveals itself. Furthermore, abilities that all humans possess, such as claircognisance, clairaudience, and clairvoyance become present and active once this state can be maintained. One also shifts to interacting with reality primarily through sensing vibration. One can become perpetually "meditative" through this transformation -- allowing one to simply "be". The information below provides techniques and guidance for achieving the above within the self, if one has not already realized this innate ability.

"Ultimately, of course, everything you express in language is a limited perspective, it's never the entire truth so whenever anybody says anything, it can never be the complete truth, you always have to look at other perspectives, too. When I say, 'you have a choice', this is what it appears to be, and it's a useful and helpful perspective -- ultimately, you are not separate from the totality of consciousness, so I might as well say then, consciousness chooses to express itself through you, but to you it looks as if you had a choice, but you are consciousness. Let's not confuse it too much, because language can complicate things excessively. And don't demand an ultimate truth to be expressed through concepts, concepts can only point..."

- Eckhart Tolle

Link and stuff related to exercises...


Enough friends have requested this information that it warranted this document. This is generally how I have presented this information verbally, and it has been well received, but suggestions and questions are always welcome.

A friend once said "simplicity is sophistication". If this is so, then this basic HTML document should suit the tastes of the most sophisticated. It also makes this document highly accessible for our friends who perceive the illusion in more interesting ways.


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